Stop An Illegal Relationship Wazifa

Stop An Illegal Relationship Wazifa

Stop An Illegal Relationship Wazifa

If your husband is involved in an illegal relationship, you can use wazifa for break up. You can use this wazifa to either get rid of this relationship or keep your husband out of it. The wazifa for break up can make your husband break up with his illegal girlfriend and come back to you.

Stop An Illegal Relationship Wazifa

Stop An Illegal Relationship Wazifa

Any illegal relationship can destroy a happy married life. If you are also facing the same problems, make use of wazifa for break up. This wazifa can be your ultimate key to unlock happiness in your married life. On the other hand, if you want to break up with your boyfriend for other reasons, you can still use wazifa for break up

There can be many reasons why you would like to break up with your boyfriend. You found out that he is not the right guy or his illegal relationships can be the reason. Also, you can use wazifa for break up even in case your family is against him and you cannot leave your family. You can simply avoid continuing your relationship with him and move on in your life.

Wazifa for Break up

There is a simple wazifa to break up with your boyfriend. Whenever you get time, after doing Isha prayer or Fajr, you must repeat ‘Ya Ahadu” for 1000 times. If you repeat Asmaa-ul Husna with sincere dedication, this wazifa for break up can have a powerful effect. After this, you can make a wish and have tears in your eyes fearing from Allah and his punishment. With this strong wazifa for break up, you would be able to become a strong man or woman.

With the help of a wazifa specialist, you can find resolution of all your problems. He will demolish all the connections with your boyfriend using wazifa for break up. Furthermore, you can keep yourself out from the negative relations you have with your boyfriend. Using the wazifa for break up, it is possible to get out of the unwanted relationship. For doing this wazifa, you do not need to have him in front of you; you can take his picture or even imagine him.

Wazifa to Break Haram Relationship

You can use wazifa to break haram relationship to save the life of yourself, your sister, brother, friend, relative or just anybody. This wazifa has the power to break the illegal relationship that ruins many lives. But make sure not to perform this wazifa to break haram relationship with wrong intentions.

To do this wazifa, you do not need your lover to be physically present in front of you. By using photo of your lover or even visualising him, you can perform this wazifa to break haram relationship and blow on his face.

Before doing your morning prayer of Azan, on a daily basis, you can read Durood Shareef for 11 times. Now, you can recite Surah Lahab for 19 times. Next step of this wazifa to break haram relationship is to again read Durood Shareef for 11 times.

While he is sleeping, you can then blow on him. Thus, you must perform this wazifa to break haram relationship for a period of 21 days without fail. There is an important thing to note that you should not perform this wazifa to break haram relationship during your menstrual period.

With the wazifa to break haram relationship, it is possible to break the haram connection between a man and a woman. There is another such wazifa that you can perform. Make sure not to carry out this wazifa to break haram relationship for any wrong purpose. At around 12, you need to visit Muslim graveyard on every Tuesday.

Now, sit between two old graves and recite Darood or Salavat for one time. Also, you need to recite Surah Lahab for 500 times. After you are done with this wazifa to break haram relationship, pray to God to break the illegal relationship between two persons. Also, take names of these persons along with their mothers’ names. This wazifa has miraculous power to stop any illegal relationship.

Wazifa to Stop Forced Marriage

If you love someone but your parents are against that marriage, it is really hurting. If they are forcing you to do marriage with another person, doing wazifa to stop forced marriage will be helpful. If new marriage proposals are coming your way and you want to stop them, perform wazifa to stop forced marriage.

Furthermore, you can recite Istikhara with which you can get guidance from Allah. You can even come to know whether the coming marriage proposal is right for you or not. Praying Salatul Istikhara is the wazifa to stop forced marriage for seeking guidance from God himself. It is a two rakah prayer after which you can do dua.

Before you do fajr prayer, last portion of night is the best time to do this wazifa to stop forced marriage. However, you can perform this wazifa to stop forced marriage at any time you want. With the help of prayers, you can seek the right help from Allah and choose the right partner from the marriage proposals you receive.

Also, you can stop them using wazifa to stop forced marriage to stick to the person that you have already chosen. You can do following dua to marry someone of your choice which will also work like a wazifa to stop forced marriage:

“Rabbana Hablana Min Azwaajina Wadhurriy-yatina, Qurrata ‘Ayioni Wa-jalna Lil-Muttaqeena Imaama”

The meaning implies:

“Our Lord, Sooth Our Eyes With Our Wives And Our Children, And Make Us Leaders Of The Pious”

Anybody who wants to have a good life partner of his choice can recite this wazifa to stop forced marriage. After you have recited your daily prayer for 7, 11 or 13 times, you can recite Durood e Paak for 7 times before and after this dua.

At the end, you can make a wish before Allah to let you marry a person of your choice. This wazifa to stop forced marriage brings marvellous results. Both boys and girls can perform this wazifa.