Punish Your Enemies Muslim Dua
Punish Your Enemies Muslim Dua, Sharukh Khan and Salman Khan were once considered the best buddies in the Bollywood industry. They are the matinee idols of every movie-goer of India. Those who have watched Karan Arjun and Kuch Kuch Hota hai, must have thought both to be real brothers. In real life, people took them as ‘virtual brothers’. But their present relationship is worse than the relationship of snake and mongoose. The best friends have turned to arch rivals. They can’t even see each other’s shadow. What made them so? It is the circumstances that occurred on the 17th of July 2008, the birthday of Katrina Kaif, Salman’s girl friend. There, Sharukh Khan made a snide remark about Salman’s ex- girl friend, Aisharya Rai. Hot exchange of words between the both; broke their friendship, never to be mended again. It has aptly been said that a friend-turned foe is worse than a real enemy.

Punish Your Enemies Muslim Dua
There is nothing unusual if any of your good friends has turned to be your enemy. And it is natural that you must be passing through great worries and anxieties. There are two inherent reasons for your concern. Firstly, you have permanently lost the company of a good friend. Secondly, that, there will always be the threat of destructive actions from your enemy. Your best recourse under such circumstances is to resort to dua to seek protection from enemies. In case you find any type of challenge from your enemies, you should resort to the dua for victory over enemies. The supplication you submit to Allah Paak, through appropriate dua will empower you to counter any kind of adversaries. But, you must learn the duas from a tried and trusted specialist in this line. He can show you the dua to get rid of enemies; for leading an enemy-free life.
There are three kinds of enemies that you may encounter during your day to day activities. A ‘true’ enemy is one who has specific agenda to make it difficult for you to accomplish your important goals of life. There are some who want to ham you physically, mentally, financially and socially. They adopt every kind of action to see you subdued, humiliated or derogated. There are yet other kinds of enemies who are jealous of you prosperity. They try to resort to actions that would obstruct your prosperity even by casting spells through black magic. Such obstructions cannot be faced by normal human efforts. But surely, the Almighty Allah Paak can provide you a blanket of protection against such enemies. You have to resort to dua to seek protection from enemies and dua to get rid of enemies. But, you must learn it from a spiritual performer of duas.
Enmity emerges out of irrationality. But, however irrational your enemy’s action may be, his or her motive can be categorized as i) Focused; ii) Emotional and ii) Vengeful. The focus adversaries are driven by career ambition. They may also be trying to promote their own point of view, without regard to the needs and concerns of others. If you try to antagonize such enemies by your own action, you are most likely to lose. Here, adopt the dua to get rid of enemies. The dua can turn your enemies to allies. The second category; Emotional Adversaries are driven purely by intense emotional needs. A deep-seated anger or anxiety lies behind their dysfunctional behavior. They are accustomed not only to trouble you, but to others too. They are chronically oppositional in their characteristics. To them, resort to dua to get rid of enemies. Their destructive games will end there
The third category; namely the Vengeful enemies iss supposed to be the most unpleasant and difficult ones. There are some that come openly to challenge you. They want you to know that they don’t like you and can go to any extent to harm you. Yet others are stealth opponents who avoid direct confrontation and work against you under some camouflage. They resort to cold shoulders, subtle challenges and disparaging comments. Such camouflaged enemies are more dangerous and hard to deal with. If you have a close encounter, you may feel justifiably paranoid for some time. You don’t know when a sleeping volcano will erupt. For such category of enemies, you may adopt all the three categories of duas. These are dua to get rid of enemies, dua for victory over enemies and dua to seek protection from enemies. Never forget to seek advice and guidance from the right dua specialist.
You can recite the following dua for victory over enemies as your supplication to Almighty Allah paak. The Arabic version of the dua is Wama kana Qawlahum illa an qaloo Rabbana Ighfir lana Thunoobana Waisrafana Fi Amrinah wathabbitho Aqdamanna Waonsurnna Aaala Alqawmmi Ailkafireena. When translated to English, it means “Allah paak! We beg your forgiveness.and swear in for discharging our duties to You as prescribed in the Holy Quran. We beg you to establish our feet firmly and to give us victory against those who deny the truth and trouble us”. The dua to get rid of enemies goes as Allaahumma ‘Innaa najaaluka fee Nuhoorihim wa na’oothu bika min shuroorihim. Translated to English; O Allah, we beg You to restrain our enemies by their necks and we beg to submit to you and seek refuge in You from their evils.
For dua to seek protection from enemies, recite the dua, Qalla, Rabbil Onsommi Aalaa Alqawami Almufseedin. Translated into English, it means, O! Allah Paak! I beg You to help me and give protection against people who commit mischief towards me. The duas, as mentioned here are just indication to make you understand the meaning of the supplication that you make to Allah paak. Before, going in for any dua, it is extremely important that you consult an expert. He only can show you the right way of getting rid of your enemies.