Category Archives: Dua


Dua To Save Marriage From Divorce

Dua To Save Marriage From Divorce

Dua To Save Marriage From Divorce

Dua To Save Marriage From Divorce or to stop divorce can be use to repair marriage. We will provide you dua to solve marriage problems. There is no better feeling than experiencing the togetherness and harmony in a marriage relationship. But many people are unable to enjoy this companionship as there are regrets, issues, and misunderstandings which overpower the divine love bond!

Dua To Save Marriage From Divorce

Dua To Save Marriage From Divorce

But the supreme power of dua to save Marriage from divorce can lend you some peace and many benefits of staying together. It can also give you a lot of positivity and happiness. The wife can perform this dua to save Marriage from divorce to get back the attention and love they deserve!

How to perform dua to save marriage from divorce?

If you following the right way of reciting this dua, it can indeed show up immediately and confirm results. Follow these steps for reading dua to save Marriage from divorce:

  • Before you confront the partner, carry out a fresh Wadu (ablution) and then recite the pious words of Surah Maryum.
  • Now close your right hand’s last finger and recite ‘KAAF.’
  • Next step is to close the third finger and recite ‘HAA.’
  • Start reciting YAA after closing your middle finger and then ‘AAIN’ once you close the first finger.
  • Now close your thumb and say ‘SWAAD’ but ensure that the thumb touches the first finger’s joint.
  • You need to stay quiet and directly go in front of the person you are reciting dua to save marriage from divorce.
  • Now repeat the same steps daily after taking a bath to see its miraculous outcomes.

However, many people cannot get the best and immediate effects from such dua to stop divorce as they might be unable to do it properly. You can ask the Moulvi Saab Ji or Wazifa experts to perform such dua on your behalf and lead a happy marriage. Online consultation is also available for clarifying further queries.

Dua To Stop Divorce

Dua To Stop Divorce, There is nothing more pure and beautiful than a peaceful marriage Insha Allah! But many women have to face disinterest and lack of love from their partner that leads to a divorce situation. But if you still want to give your Marriage a second chance and revive the relationship with the blessings of Allah Tallah, then dua to stop divorce can prove very helpful. Some expert consultants can also perform dua on your behalf and empower your Marriage with their thoroughly effective wazifa and dua.

How to perform?

With the blessings of almighty Allah, dua to stop divorce saves the lives of millions of people and keeps sharing it with someone you find in distress and marriage troubles. It can also prove very effective if any other woman is trying to spoil your Marriage. Here are the steps to recite ‘Dua to Stop Divorce.’

  • Start the wazifa on the divine morning of Wednesday.
  • After completing the Fajr salat, perform Durood Sharif 11 times.
  • Now recite the below-stated ayat at least 100 times as per the wordings.

Ayat – “Ihasbiyal Laahuu laa ilahaa illa Huwa ‘Allaihi tawakkaltuu waa huwaa rabbull’ Arshill Azeemm”

  • After reading the ‘dua to stop divorce,’ you need to recite Durood Sharif again eleven times.
  • You can then make a dua from Allah Subhan Waa Ta’alaa to stop divorce.

Important notice:

  • For performing ‘Dua to stop Divorce,’ you need to repeat it for at least 21 days.
  • During menses, women should not perform this dua.
  • Take the permission before starting it.
  • Remember the almighty Allah and repeat your wish before reciting the dua again.

Dua To Repair Marriage

Dua To Repair Marriage, Marriage consists of several ups and downs that affect Marriage. Sometimes, not everything works in your favor, leading to several misunderstandings, which drastically hampers marriage life. It is prevalent in couples to face troubles, but it should not affect the relationship by any means. With ‘dua to repair marriage,’ your Marriage that is on the verge of breaking can revive and give you a powerful feeling.

Chanting of this dua can be very effective, but you need to pronounce each word carefully. Every single word in ‘dua to repair marriage’ helps in marriage improvisation, and it unleashes the magical results as well. Wipe off all the negative thoughts while chanting this mantra. Moulvi Saab Ji can help you to save the holy bond by clearing all distractions and negativities.

How to perform?

On the divine morning of Wednesday, perform the Fajar Salaat and repeat Durood Shareef at least 11 times. The dua is:

“Ihasbiyaall laahuu Laa Ilallahaa ila Huwaa Alaihii Tawakkaltuu waa Huwaa Rabbul Arshiil Azeemm.”

Dua To Solve Marriage Problems

Dua To Solve Marriage Problems, A common issue in Marriage is the compatibility with the partners. If you feel that you and your partner are not similar and wish to narrow the gap, ‘Dua to solve marriage problems’ can help you.

This can add a lot of content and peace to the Marriage. For all those who have a solid and firm faith in Allah Allah, reciting the ‘Dua to solve marriage problems’ can be very helpful. It had bought prosperity and happiness in many marriages. Perform it right to see the effects, but any wrong pronunciation can turn down the effects.

Dua to solve marriage problems is as follows:

Allaah HummaInniUriduu Aan Ataa Zawwajaa FaaKattarr Lii MinanNissa’ yii Aaa Faa HunnaFarajanWaa Ahh fazahunnaa Li Fi NafsihaWaa Auu Sa’aaHunnaa Li RizkanWaa Aaa Zamaa Hunnaa Li Barakatana Fi NafsihaWaMaalii Faa katTirliMinhaWaladanTayyibann Tajj AluhuKhalafanSalihaan Fii HayatiWaBaa’daMautii

You have to recite this dua for at least 21 days after performing the namaz of Dohar. You can make prayers and Insha Allah all the marriage rifts can solve, leading to good relationships. If you face any difficulty performing the ‘Dua to solve marriage problems,’ talk to the expert and get complete consultation for sorting all issues.

But the way and words of reciting the dua to save Marriage from divorce can make a huge difference. Hence, if you are unsure about it, consult the holy wazifa and dua counselors who can help you perform the dua religiously. You can book online slots and get in touch with them. They can also help you in dealing with other types of relationship-related hurdles in your Marriage.  Insha Allah, you would soon become the happiest couple with loads of happiness and togetherness!

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